last updated: 6 March 2024

Author's photo card

I am a senior at the National Technical University of Ukraine, majoring in Computer Engineering with a focus on Computer Networks.

I love challenging myself academically, as it always results in personal growth. Due to various circumstances, I have lived in at least six different cities in two countries, which has made me highly adaptable and stress-consistent.

Outside of academics, I enjoy playing chess and checkers, building legos, skating, and traveling to large cities. Paris in the summer was an unforgettable experience.

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Current interests:

Recent updates:

Selected to join a 5-week frontend-development program at Epam University as a junior front-end developer.

Starting to work with Anatolii Haidai on the project that enables the filtering of obscene language on the internet for the UK-UA locale.

Accepted an offer to join McGill University as a research assistant under Dr. Maria Cutumisu in Montreal, Canada.

Investigating the relationship between marriage age and economic well-being. Stay tuned!

Heart Bids

Participate in a charity auction by creating lots, placing bids, communicating with other participants, and more. The app's motto is "Bid for Good!"

Coursework for Operating Systems. Learn in practice about processes, CPU scheduling, I/O, file-system implementation, and more.

Literature: Operating System Concepts [Silberschatz, Abraham, Galvin, Peter B., Gagne, Greg]